How to avoid getting stuck in Niche selection Inception

3 min readJun 8, 2022

I know the headline might sound a bit cheeky.

But I’ve to write in such a way.

You see, if you’re an Inception movie fan like me, then you would understand…

What a vicious cycle it is?

And how is it related to the niche selection process?

You see when you start your online journey.

There are many misconceptions- about how to select a niche.

Some say you must select what you like and enjoy. Something that you enjoy while explaining to others.

So what is the misconception?

You see, normally while choosing a niche…

…Several questions pop into your mind.

Like, Who’s gonna read my content?

Is my niche a perfect one?

I need to have a Super Cool niche, that I can brag about.

And you get stuck in this loop.

And because of that, you never take action.

So my suggestion is:

1) First, research thoroughly about your niche

Ideally, there is no such thing as a perfect niche.

You start working on one. Then on another. And then another one.

And after working on many niches, you might finally find something that you enjoy doing.


Step1: Take a whiteboard or a BIG white paper.

Write down the ideal ideas that you have in your mind.

After selecting the one, drill further down.


Weight loss- Good.

Weight loss for men- Good

Weight loss for men working in a sitting job- Awesome

Weight loss for men at the age of 45 working in a sitting job- Killer

So you got the drill- Right?


Firstly, you reduce the competition. You don’t want to mess with already established pros.

Secondly, you can easily rank your keywords.

2) Find Forums and communities in your niche

Find active forums and groups where your ideal customer spends time.

See what they are talking about.

Learn what problems they are facing.

What solution they have taken?

What’s working and what’s not working for them.

And if no one is talking about your product or niche.

Then my suggestion- Change it- Restart step 1.

3) Products you can sell in your niche

Find products in your niche.

Now you can do many things with it.

First, you can be an affiliate and promote it.

Or you can create something better than the existing one and sell it.


Where you can find the products in your niche?

Amazon would be a great place to start. Forums and Facebook groups.

Research it.

4) Would you be able to create a program in your niche

Continuation of step 3.

Find if you can create a course or a product around your niche.

It would be great!

Now, it doesn’t have to be grand.

A simple ebook will do the job.

Now you must be wondering, what’s the use of this step?

Online marketing is all about getting good at sales.

And if you can sell your product or service online.

It would be an experience that you can showcase in your portfolio.

5) Screw all four and JUST DO IT

Now, if you are someone who gets stuck…

…while finding the niche.

Or you feel like you are wasting too much time.

Then this step is for you.

Now listen, here is a killer hack.

Screw everything from step1 to step4 and just start.

Start a blog.

Doesn’t matter what niche it is. Don’t overcomplicate it.

Read a lot. For generating content you need to read a lot. Research a lot.

So, make a habit of reading a lot.

Write a lot. Write daily. It will help you to improve the way you write.

And it will stretch your brain muscle.

And slowly, you will understand what’s working for you.

Then concentrate on it. Scale it.

Make it your main niche.

What next?

Again start doing it from step1 to step4.

By the way, I am someone who started step5.

And you know what…

if you fail, maximum you gonna lose a domain.

So take action today.

Hope you enjoyed reading it.

Love to hear which step would you choose?

#30DWC22D12 #vinishchandran

