5 things I wish I’d known when I started Digital Marketing

2 min readMay 26, 2022

1. Website Building is not Rocket Science-

I delayed a lot in creating my blog or website.

The idea was to create something called PERFECT.

And because I ran for perfection.

I never started building a blog or a website.

I learned and watched videos

And applied for lots of Udemy courses(Free Only)

What I learned is…

Imperfect action is more important than so-called perfection.

2.) Writing daily can improve your Writing Skill

Writing every day is not an easy task…

Especially not for me.

I do lack confidence and to be frank, it is still there.

But I overcome it( I made my skin thick).

And now I post my content in 4 to 5 groups, LinkedIn, Medium, and Twitter.

Guess what?

I noticed that it is a Mind-boggling habit.

3.) Reading books-

Now I must confess that I do love reading books…

comics- especially Chinese novels.

They do have fascinating stories and I loved that.

But if I could have spent time reading…

…some productive books my life would be different.

My knowledge would be different.

And experience and perspective would be different.

Reading not only helps you to become smart. They help you to see the world from a different angle.

4.) Follow successful people-

Let me tell you something that…

I am not saying to flow people blindly.

What I mean is to follow successful people.

Learn from them.

How much effort and dedication they have spent to reach that position.

And how you can replicate it- if not 100% at least 1% can do the magic.

5.) Networking is a very important skill-

It’s one of the most important skills.

This is why people spend tons of money attending events and seminars.

So that you can meet like-minded people and build connections.

You can learn from them.

If you have doubts you can ask for their opinion.

That this the reason to join active groups.

Now there is a hack to be successful at building the connections.

And that is …

Start giving value to people for FREE.

Yes, you heard it right. People love free stuff.

Build an authority.

Let people know you and notice your effort.

And this is how you build connections.

Let me know your thoughts on this?

#30DWC22D06 #vinishchandran

